Summer's over

It's usually over when the trundle beds get transferred back to the kids' room. It's definitely over when we start packing the plastic wading pool into it's blue plastic container. The water bill has doubled and our usually green lawn looks like the hoax UFO designs made by pranksters on a US wheat field. Jus, my soon to be eight year old third grader, has opened and closed her school bag for the nth time, checking her new books, notebooks and school accessories- a thing she will get tired of doing by the third day of classes. I'm looking forward to clocking in a whole four hours in my retainer job once classes start, and being on time for clinic and teaching doctors-to-be. I used to dream of having a job that would not require me to get up early in the morning but being a mom has given me a chance to see the sunrise every once in a while, enjoy it with my morning tea or coffee and join my hub (who always gets up earlier than everybody) for breakfast. The sun still creates long shadows as we go out of our driveway... another adventure begins.
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