Scrapbooks and Memory Making

If you would ask me what I really want to do with all of my waking time, I would rather take pictures of my family, my friends, the world, and scrapbook all of it. Well, aside, of course, of reading my magazines, books and watching tv and spending it infront of my computer. Seems dreamy enough but it would make me fat... and hungry.
The picture is of my award-winning scrapbook (hehe, very proud) which I submitted for a mini-scrapbook challenge locally. It was judged best by the US K&Company scrapbook supplier. My DH said I must have won because I was the only entry, (huhuhu :-P) but he knows I put a lot of effort in it (I'm sure he is secretly proud of it too) because half of our 4-day vacation was spent on making it and passing it a few hours before the deadline.
It's an "ALL ABOUT YOU" scrapbook for my daughter, Justine. (See entire album by pressing the link: Kate News and judge for yourself :-) ).
Watch out for the "ALL ABOUT YOU", JOM Edition.
Dear Doc, First off, thank you for taking time to post now and then sa Chatterbox. Im amazed that you are in the very same things as I am: knitting, crochet, naku dont tell me cross stitch, beading, painting,watercolors, etc! Haha! CRAFTheads! And before you do that "JOM" mini, do try your hand in MemBox's Tinkering Ink Challenge! --- The Westminister's line would be great for Jom. Why am I telling you this? I like how you scrap IN DETAIL. I really do. Sa mini, saludo ako sa yo. Ako, mabusisi --- but doc, you take the cake! Mas malala ka sa akin! Haha! :)
Now, if you have read my post in the homepage up to the bottom... Im expecting FRESH from you. No joke. Think of something.. :)
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