I decided to take time off from work when my 2-year old son Jom went into the "separation anxiety" stage. Sadly, the anxiety was not because of him being separated from me but of Mama taking him away from Nana. I chose thursdays because I actually don't have much appointments on that day and I noticed that banks and bill payment centers (in my side of the world) aren't so full either. Don't ask me why. It's probably the "rest" day for money too? :-)So I get to spend time with my Jom Thursday afternoons. After morning clinic and a late lunch for me, we both start to laze around and watch tv and doze off, which practically happens in about 30 minutes. By the time I wake up (this boy naps for hours), Jus has come home from school and gets my undivided attention during homework time. The next time I get to join my baby is on our nightly "spiderman-bed sleep mama and Jom" routine. Time flies fast. I hope his childhood memories of Mama will not be limited to just having naps and saying goodnights.