Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Fruits of our Trees

Finally! Getting the first taste (actually leftovers after the kids' harvest) of the mystery tree in our garden. Seedlings courtesy of my mother who said they were "green Tambis". DH Lex planted them as soon as we finished building our house, together with the mango, tamarind, calamansi, rambutan and "batwan" seedlings given by friends and grown from seeds. We waited and waited for it to fruit but when the first few buds started showing last year, the intense heat of the summer dried them all away. This year it was promising a bumper crop but as the fruits were slowly growing, it mysteriously disappeared one by one (rather bunch by bunch). We would see remnants of the unripe fruits a few yards away under the mango tree. The bats were feasting on it every night. Wow, urban bats! It was when there were only a few blooms left that we decided to wrap them one by one with plastic bags lest it will remain a mystery tree until the next fruiting season. This was how the ripened fruit looked like- . It tasted soooo dizzying sweet (kinda like having fruity cologne in your mouth) so we all voted that the best time to eat them was when they were green, almost ripe ("manibalang" in pilipino) and tasted like guavas at the same stage. We were able to get a total of ten (gid!) ripe fruits. We hope we can get more next time.


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