Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Another Tree in our Garden

Planted by DH Lex about five years ago, we were finally (and really) enjoying our Rambutan Tree's fruits. Last year it started growing flowers but due to poor weather, we were only able to get a bunch of fruits (less than twenty) and as always, I was the last one to get a taste. This summer, we were very excited to see young fruits but worried at the same time because of another stretch of early summer rains.

So that I will be able to get my fill of these rambutan fruits, I had to make a LAW that no one can get a fruit (yes, even only one piece!) until it ripens (or at least shows its reddish coloring) and we can harvest a good number of it at one point. And with special instructions to keep the kids away from the tree until then (BAD Mommy!). I was imagining a "christmas tree-like" picture of the green rambutan tree and its red fruits.

But who could resist? The young tree was gradually growing ripe fruits at waist level, and of course, did not ripen all together at once... After a while there were evidences of rambutan peel in various levels of ripeness found in the lawn and inside the house (bathroom trash can, under the beds, dog trays, etc..), all pointing to my twelve-year old Jus. When asked, the reply was only a wide-eyed, face of innocence. And more peels were eventually found in even more unlikely (and uncanny?) areas (soiled uniform pockets, school bags, sofa nooks).

Thus from the previous Saturday, I finally allowed them to get only (AND ONLY) fruits that are red, and on weekends only. To give the other fruits time to ripen (and for me to be able to eat my share too, hahaha). Looking forward to more weekends of fruit.


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